Preparing for your VBAC journey is… well, it’s a lot of things. Exciting and fun but also maybe lonely and definitely overwhelming. Not only is there a lack of good information surrounding VBAC out there, but it’s difficult to sort through the articles and accounts, information and influencers that are putting content into the world.
Let us help.
Enter: Our 9 VBAC Prep Essentials Worth Every Penny.
- Prenatal Vitamins
- Education
- Books
- Diapers & Wipes
- Birthing Ball
- Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
- Dates
- Dr. Christopher’s Birth Prep
- Nipple Stimulation
We’re a team of VBAC moms, doulas, educators and professionals in the birthing space who have gathered our tried and true products that will truly make a difference in your journey to VBAC. From supplements to colostrum collection, keep reading for details (and links!!) on our favorite VBAC prep essentials.
01. PRENATAL VITAMINS (that actually work!!!)
We will forever sing this from the rooftops – get yourself a truly good prenatal! Woman of strength, supplementing with the right prenatal is integral to your fertility, pregnancy, birth and postpartum experiences. It is not enough to grab the prettiest bottle in the vitamin section or order the kind with the most Amazon reviews. Most prenatals on the market, unfortunately, don’t have the combination of what’s optimal for mama or baby. We’ve done our research and landed on Needed as our favorite (our community agrees!). You can get 20% off your order of their Prenatal Complete Plan and many other options like hydration support, energy, nausea control and more tailored to your needs with code VBAC at checkout.
Find more info on what makes Needed so special here and even more on their specific products plus why supplementing, even with a balanced diet, is super important in pregnancy here.
Planning a VBAC can feel like starting from ground zero again because you know you want something different than your last birth. We think that you deserve to be in charge of your birth experience and to do that, educating yourself is essential. Our How to VBAC Course for Parents is full of evidence-based information and provides everything you need to feel educated and confident, supporting you in making informed decisions all along your VBAC journey.
Use code VBACPREP to get 20% off your enrollment (this week only!!!).
So many women in our community love to devour books. And while there is a lot of misinformation in the world surrounding VBAC, there are plenty of good resources, too. Here are some of our very favorite books, that you can start reading anytime throughout your pregnancy, to help you gain even more knowledge, perspective and encouragement in planning your VBAC – Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth, How to Heal a Bad Birth and Baby Got VBAC.
Get inspired by our full collection here.
Thinking about diapers and wipes ahead of delivery seems a little crazy (even with so many of us having another toddler at home). But recently learning about all the chemicals in the diapers made us add this to the list of prep must-haves. Yes, the hospital provides diapers and wipes, but you’ll probably feel better knowing that the first thing on your baby’s skin is clean and chemical-free. Bring a few of your own for peace of mind and babe’s comfort. Our favorites are from Coterie (use code VBAC20 for 20% off your order).
Birth balls are designed with pregnant and laboring mamas in mind. With their larger size and non-slip material, this tool can make a world of difference for your comfort, mobility and alignment. There are so many great uses of a birth ball to help prepare your body for labor (find them here). Plus, the movements you practice in pregnancy become second nature in labor, so birth ball exercises are perfect for VBAC prep.
RRLT is a common recommendation for pregnant mamas, especially those desiring a spontaneous labor (like many VBAC mamas). Used medicinally for centuries, RRLT has been anecdotally linked to reduction in pregnancy symptoms, a toned uterus, shorter labor times and a decrease in the need for labor induction. Check out our deep dive on RRLT here.
We know you’ve seen and heard all about the power of eating dates in pregnancy. Well, there is actually good research to back up the trend! Eating five – seven dates per day starting around 37 weeks is linked to a more softened cervix, shorter labor times and more. Check out some additional facts + delish recipes here.
While it’s important to discuss this one with your provider, it’s definitely worth looking into! Dr. Christopher’s Birth Prep, for the right mama and situation, could help prepare and soften your cervix, which may additionally prevent tearing.
There are a couple different reasons why you may want to add nipple stimulation to your VBAC prep list. First, nipple stimulation can honestly just help you get to know your breasts and milk production better before baby arrives. Additionally, you may want to consider expressing, collecting and freezing colostrum (we love these containers). Having a small stash already in the freezer when you get home with baby can give you peace of mind, help you recover and give your partner an opportunity to feed and bond with your newborn. Something important to note about nipple stimulation, however, is that it releases oxytocin. This is a good thing and can sometimes help get labor started and / or moving along (which makes it a good alternative to try before pitocin, too). That being said, definitely discuss nipple stimulation / colostrum collecting with your provider before you start!
We get it – there is so much to think about as you prepare for your VBAC. Hopefully this list of basics helps steer you in the right direction. For even more of our favorites, be sure to check out Our VBAC Baby Registry Must-Haves, Hospital Bag Checklist, and 11 Postpartum Essentials.
As always, I’ll leave you with this affirmation and reminder…